Processing Cereal Grains Fed to Dairy Cattle

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging nutrition topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.

Optimizing feed efficiency and income over feed costs on dairy farms is very important because feed is the highest cost associated with producing milk. Some of the primary dietary areas for achieving high feed efficiency are feeding high-quality forage, providing optimum balance of protein and carbohydrates for rumen health, and high digestibility of the cereal grains. …

Proper Use of Forage Composition Data for Formulating Diets for Dairy Cows

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.

The fact that the nutrient content of feeds varies is not news to anyone involved with dairy nutrition. However, many nutritionists do not consider why two samples of the same feed may have different composition. Variation in the composition of a feed can be partitioned into three major sources:

  • analytical
  • sampling
  • true or real variation


Sugar in Diets for Lactating Dairy Cows

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About 70% of typical diets for lactating dairy cows consist of carbohydrates, of which 37% are structural carbohydrates (neutral detergent fiber; NDF), 30% starch, and 3% simple sugars (free glucose, sucrose, fructose, and other minor sugars). Although each of these fractions is made up mostly of molecules of glucose, the nature of the chemical linkages …

Using Milk Urea Nitrogen to Improve Nitrogen Efficiency and Reduce Environmental Impact of Dairy Cows

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.

The global human population is projected to increase from its current estimate of 7.1 billion to 9.4 billion by the year 2050. These projections are alarming because food production will have to double, and meeting such demand will be a challenge as arable land is limited. Meeting this demand will require increased efficiency of production in …

Real World Vitamin Recommendations

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The current Dairy NRC (2001) is largely based on data published before 2000. Although the book remains a valuable resource and much of its information is still relevant, few things remain constant. During the past decade, we have increased our knowledge about dairy cattle nutrition. Most of the new knowledge represents incremental modifications rather than …

Managing Dairy Calves and Heifers during the Winter Months

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.

Attention to dairy calf and heifer management is important for maintaining growth rates, minimizing health problems, and optimizing current and future profitability of the dairy farm. The presence of pumpkins and frost reminds us that the winter months are just ahead, and with most of the crops for the livestock now in storage, it’s time to …

Excess Sulfur and Potassium Can Cause Mineral Nutrition Problems with Dairy Cows

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.

Proper mineral nutrition of dairy cows is essential for high milk yields, efficient reproduction, and good health. Meeting the 2001 NRC requirements for dairy cows in most situations will result in adequate status for most minerals. However, for some minerals and some situations, NRC requirements are inadequate and additional supplementation will be necessary. Experiments conducted after …

Checklist for Nutritional Aspects for Improving Reproductive Efficiency

En Español: Lista de Chequeo de Aspectos Nutricionales para Mejorar la Eficiencia Reproductiva


This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.


Almost all dairy farmers would like to improve the reproductive efficiency of their dairy herd, but they must manage many aspects to achieve this goal, including the nutritional program. The feeding program during the dry period, for the fresh cows, and throughout …

Cow Nutrition and Crop Nutrient Management

This article is part of our series of original articles on emerging featured topics. Please check here to see other articles in this series.


Dairy cows must follow the law of conservation of mass. What this means is that everything that goes into a cow must eventually come out. Nutrients consumed by a cow are secreted in milk, excreted in manure, or retained in the body (either in the cow or in her developing fetus). The nutrients secreted in …

Managing Measures of Feed Costs: Benchmarking Physical and Economic Feed Efficiency


Problems associated with the measurement and monitoring of physical feed efficiency are reviewed. We propose targets for gross feed efficiency based on milk production and stage of lactation and present elements to diagnose possible causes when actual results depart from the proposed targets. This is followed by the development of a meaningful benchmark of economic feed efficiency based on market prices for milk components, amounts of major nutrients required for the production of these milk components, and market prices …