Strategies to Improve Feed Efficiency in Dairy Replacement Heifer Feeding Programs



The goals of a dairy replacement management program are to rear heifers at a low economic and environmental cost without compromising future lactation performance. To meet these objectives, bred heifers are commonly fed diets containing low cost, high fiber …

Reproductive Management Systems for Artificial Insemination of Dairy Heifers


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Heifer Management Blueprints: Energy Requirements of Dairy Heifers in Wisconsin Environments



In Wisconsin, heifers are reared in different housing types and in diverse climatic conditions. Dairy heifers require more or less dietary energy based on the season of the year and housing type. Specifically, heifer size, temperature, hair coat, resting surface, wind, and solar radiation all have an effect on the energy requirements of heifers. Combinations …

Heifer Management Blueprints: Distillers Grains for Dairy Heifers



Because of the recent expansion of the ethanol industry, either dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) or wet distillers grains with solubles (DWGS) have become widely available to the dairy industry. Often, distillers grains can be …